References [ 15 ]
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Sequences [ 2 ]
EMBL/Genbank Links
(Bold text = submission by CCAP staff or collaborators)
Division/Phylum: Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta Class: Coscinodiscophyceae Order: Thalassiosirales

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: f/2 + Si; Bacteria present; Cryopreserved; contains low numbers of a small colourless flagellate
Authority(Grunow) Stachura-Suchoples & Williams 2009
IsolatorBelcher (1975)
Collection Site Gorleston-on-Sea, Norfolk, England, UK
Archive Date 2019-10-07 10:39:10
Archive Reason Temporary - Uncertain ID
Notes Reinstated November 2014 from Plymouth Culture Collection. Renamed Sept2016, taxonomic revision.
Axenicity Status Bacteria present
Environment Marine
Group Diatom
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture No
Equivalent StrainsPLY541

CCAP 1085/1

Conticribra weissflogii

  • Product Code: CCAP 1085/1
  • Availability: Archived
This strain is Archived, see strain data below for archive reason. Please contact us for more information.

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f/2+Si Medium<br>1 LITRE PREMADE

f/2+Si Medium

1 litre of sterile, ready to use, f/2+Si medium. f/2+Si medium is used for culturing marine diatoms