• Ectocarpus fasciculatus
References [ 14 ]
Gachon CMM, Strittmatter M, Müller DG, Kleinteich J & Küpper FC (2009) Detection of differential host susceptibility to the marine oomycete pathogen Eurychasma dicksonii by real-time PCR: Not all algae are equal. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75(2): 32-328.
Stache-Crain B, Müller DG & Goff LJ (1997) Molecular systematics of Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) inferred from phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and plastid-encoded DNA sequences. Journal of Phycology 33: 152-168.
Maier I, Muller DG & Katsaros C (2002) Entry of the DNA virus, Ectocarpus fasciculatus virus type 1 (Phycodnaviridae), into host cell cytosol and nucleus. Phycological Research 50: 227-231.
Muller DG & Knippers R (2011) Phaeovirus Phycodnaviridae. In: The Springer Index of Viruses. Tidona CA & Darai G (Eds). Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y. -: -.
DOI: none
Maier I, Rometsch E, Wolf S, Kapp M, Muller DG & Kawai H (1997) Passage of a marine brown algal DNA virus from Ectocarpus fasciculatus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) to Myriotrichia clavaeformis (Dictyosiphonales, Phaeophyceae): Infection symptoms and recovery. Journal of Phycology 33: 838-844.
Muller DG & Eichenberger W (1997) Mendelian genetics in brown algae: Inheritance of a lipid defect mutation and sex alleles in Ectocarpus fasciculatus (Ectocarpus, Phaeophyceae). Phycologia 36: 79-81.
Muller DG, Sengco M, Wolf S, Brautigam M, Schmid CE, Kapp M & Knippers R (1996) Comparison of two DNA viruses infecting the marine brown algae Ectocarpus siliculosus and E. fasciculatus. Journal of General Virology 77: 2329-2333.
Sengco MR, Brautigam M, Kapp M & Muller DG (1996) Detection of virus DNA in Ectocarpus siliculosus and E. fasciculatus (Phaeophyceae) from various geographic areas. European Journal of Phycology 31: 73-78.
Parodi ER & Muller DG (1994) Field and culture studies on virus infections in Hincksia hincksiae and Ectocarpus fasciculatus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). European Journal of Phycology 29: 113-117.
Delaroque N, Boland W, Muller DG & Knippers R (2003) Comparisons of two large phaeoviral genomes and evolutionary implications. Journal of Molecular Evolution 57: 613-622.
Maier I & Muller DG (1998) Virus binding to brown algal spores and gametes visualized by DAPI fluorescence microscopy. Phycologia 37: 60-63.
Pétursdóttir AH, Fletcher K, Gunnlaugsdóttir H, Krupp E, Küpper FC & Feldmann J (2015) Environmental effects on arsenosugars and arsenolipids in Ectocarpus (Phaeophyta) Environmental Chemistry 13: 21-33.
Lipinska A, Cormier A, Luthringer R, Peters AF, Corre E, Gachon CMM, Cock JM & Coelho SM (2015) Sexual dimorphism and the evolution of sex-biased gene expression in the brown alga Ectocarpus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 1581-1597.
Gachon CMM, Strittmatter M, Badis Y, Fletcher KI, Van West P & Müller D (2017) Pathogens of brown algae: culture studies of Anisolpidium ectocarpii and A. rosenvingei reveal that the Anisolpidiales are uniflagellated oomycetes. European Journal of Phycology 52: 133-148.
Sequences [ 5 ]
EMBL/Genbank Links
(Bold text = submission by CCAP staff or collaborators)
Division/Phylum: Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta Class: Phaeophyceae Order: Ectocarpales

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: Modified Provasoli - half strength; Bacteria and other organisms present; maintained by serial subculture;
AuthorityHarvey 1841
IsolatorMüller (1993)
Collection Sitein drift, epiphytic Plouescat, Brittany, France
Notes Collection site: epiphytic on Laminaria hyperborea, Saccorhiza polyschides and Himanthalia elongata; female gametophyte derived from a sporophyte, which itself was constructed from 2 gametophytes resulting from meiospores produced by the field-collected sporophyte Ec fas Ros 93 31; This macroalgal culture contains bacteria and probably other organisms in low numbers, we are happy to provide further info on specific strains if you contact us
Axenicity Status Bacteria and other organisms present
Area Europe
Country France
Environment Marine
Group Macroalgae
In Scope of Nagoya Protocol No
ABS Note Collected pre Nagoya Protocol. No known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
Collection Date c1993
Original Designation Ec fas Ros 93-31Z7 G12f
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Strain Maintenance Sheet SM_Ectocarpus.pdf
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture No
Taxonomy WoRMS ID 145404
Equivalent StrainsKU-MACC 1107
Other DesignationsDGM 007-04

CCAP 1310/13

Ectocarpus fasciculatus

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