References [ 6 ]
Whittle SJ & Casselton PJ (1969) The chloroplast pigments of some green and yellow-green algae. British Phycological Journal 4(1): 55-64.
Vischer W (1932) Experimentelle untersuchungen (Gallertbildung) mit Mischococcus sphaerocephalus Vischer. Archiv für Protistenkunde 76(2): 257-273.
DOI: none
Ehara M, Kitayama T, Watanabe KI, Inagaki Y, Hayashi-Ishimaru Y & Ohama T (1999) Comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of a heterokont alga (NIES 548) using genes from all three cellular compartments. Phycological Research 47: 225-231.
Maistro S, Broady PA, Andreoli C & Negrisolo E (2009) Phylogeny and taxonomy of Xanthophyceae (Stramenopiles, Chromalveolata). Protist 160: 412-426.
Ehara M, Watanabe KI, Kawai H, Inagaki Y, Hayashi-Ishimaru Y & Ohama T (1998) Distribution of the mitochondrial deviant genetic code AUA for methionine in heterokont algae. Journal of Phycology 34: 1005-1008.
DOI: none
Lohr M & Wilhelm C (1999) Algae displaying the diadinoxanthin cycle also possess the violaxanthin cycle. PNAS 96: 8784-8789.
DOI: none
Sequences [ 1 ]
EMBL/Genbank Links
(Bold text = submission by CCAP staff or collaborators)
Division/Phylum: Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta Class: Xanthophyceae Order: Mischococcales

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: 3N-BBM+V; Bacteria present; maintained by serial subculture and cryopreserved;
AuthorityVischer 1932
IsolatorVischer (1929)
Collection Siteepiphyte on Oedogonium from botanical garden Basel, Switzerland
Axenicity Status Bacteria present
Area Europe
Country Switzerland
Environment Freshwater
In Scope of Nagoya Protocol No
ABS Note Collected pre Nagoya Protocol. No known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
Collection Date c 1929
Original Designation V.61
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Strain Maintenance Sheet
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture Yes
Taxonomy WoRMS ID 616547
Equivalent StrainsATCC 30592,SAG 847-1,UTEX 150

CCAP 847/1

Mischococcus sphaerocephalus

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