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References [ 14 ]
Day JG (1998) Cryo-conservation of microalgae and cyanobacteria. CryoLetters S1: 7-14.
DOI: none
Hatton AD & Wilson ST (2007) Particulate dimethylsulphoxide and dimethylsulphoniopropionate in phytoplankton cultures and Scottish coastal waters. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 69: 330-340.
Damsté JSS, Muyzer G, Abbas B, Rampen SW, Massé G, Allard WG, Belt ST, Robert JM, Rowland SJ, Moldowan JM, Barbanti SM, Fago FJ, Denisevich P, Dahl J, Trindade LA & Schouten S (2004) The rise of the rhizosolenid diatoms. Science 304 (5670): 584-587.
Wood BJB, Grimson PHK, German JB & Turner M (1999) Photoheterotrophy in the production of phytoplankton organisms. Journal of Biotechnology 70: 175-183.
Wilson ST (2007) The production of biogenic gases in the marine environment. A Thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Open University -: 319 pp.
DOI: none
Rampen SW, Schouten S, Abbas B, Panoto FE, Muyzer G, Campbell CN, Fehling J & Sinninghe Damste JS (2007) On the origin of 24-norcholestanes and their use as age-diagnostic biomarkers Geology 35: 419-422.
Rampen SW, Schouten S, Panoto FE, Brink M, Andersen RA, Muyzer G, Abbas B & Sinninghe Damste JS (2009) Phylogenetic position of Attheya longicornis and Attheya septentrionalis (Bacillariophyta). Journal of Phycology 45: 444-453.
McLellan MR (1989) Cryopreservation of diatoms. Diatom Research 4: 301-318.
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Slocombe SP, Zhang QY, Ross M, Anderson A, Thomas NJ, Lapresa A, Rad Menéndez C, Campbell CN, Black KD, Stanley MS & Day JG (2015) Unlocking nature's treasure-chest: Screening for oleaginous algae. Scientific Reports 5: 09844.
Hughes AH, Magot F, Tawfike A, Rad-Menéndez C, Thomas N, Young LC, Stucchi L, Carettoni D, Stanley MS, Edrada-Ebel R & Duncan KR (2021) Exploring the chemical space of macro- and micro- algae using comparative metabolomics Microorganisms 9: 311.
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Hughes AH, Magot F, Tawfike AF, Rad Menéndez C, Thomas N, Young LC, Stucchi L, Carettoni D, Stanley MS, Edrada-EBel R & Duncan KR (2021) Exploring the chemical space of macro- and micro-algae using comparative metabolomics. Microorganisms 9: 311.
Ozkan A (2023) Screening diatom strains belonging to Cyclotella genera for chitin nanofiber production under photobioreactor conditions: Chitin productivity and characterization of physiochemical properties. Algal Research -: 103015.
Sequences [ 4 ]
EMBL/Genbank Links
(Bold text = submission by CCAP staff or collaborators)
Division/Phylum: Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta Class: Coscinodiscophyceae Order: Thalassiosirales

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: f/2 + Si; Bacteria present; maintained by serial subculture and cryopreserved;
AuthorityReimann, Lewin & Guillard 1963
IsolatorWhite (1969)
Collection Site West Tisbury, Great Pond, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA
Axenicity Status Bacteria present
Area North America
Country USA
Environment Brackish
Group Diatom
In Scope of Nagoya Protocol No
ABS Note Collected pre Nagoya Protocol. No known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
Collection Date c 1969
Original Designation WT-1-8
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Strain Maintenance Sheet SM_MarineDiatoms15_20.pdf
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture No
Taxonomy WoRMS ID 148998

CCAP 1070/2

Cyclotella cryptica

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f/2+Si Medium

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