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  • Prodiscophrya collini
References [ 5 ]
Hackney CM, Al-Khazzar AR & Butler RD (1982) Tenticle contraction and ultrastructure in Discophyra collini. The response to cations. Protoplasma 112: 92-100.
Hackney CM & Butler RD (1981) Tentacle contraction in glycerinated Discophyra collini and the localisation of HMM-binding filaments. Journal of Cell Science 47: 65-75.
DOI: none
Patterson DJ (1983) On the organization of the naked filose amoeba Nuclearia moebiusi Frenzel 1897 (Sarcodina Filosea) and its implications. Journal of Protozoology 30(2): 301-307.
Al-Khazzar AR, Earnshaw MJ, Butler RD, Emes MJ & Sigee DC (1984) Tentacle contraction in Discophyra collini: The effects of inophore A23187 and ruthenium red on Ca2+-induced contraction and uptake of extracellular calcium. Protoplasma 122: 125-131.
Al-Khazzar AR, Butler RD & Earnshaw MJ (1984) The effect of ionophore A23187 and ruthenium red on tentacle contraction and ultrastructure in Discophyra collini: Evidence of calcium fluxing from intracellular reservoirs. Protoplasma 117: 158-166.
Division/Phylum: Ciliates/Ciliophora

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: MW; Bacteria and other organisms present; maintained by serial subculture; plus Tetrahymena pyriformis, not fungi
Authority(Root) Kormos 1935
IsolatorPaulin & Cook (1967)
Collection Sitesewage treatment plant Athens, Georgia, USA
Notes Genus erected for Podophrya collini Root 1914; syn. Discophrya collini , and possibly also Discophrya pyriformis; originally accessed as Discophrya sp.; Identified by Alan Curry 1975 Public Health Lab. Withington Hospital
Axenicity Status Bacteria and other organisms present
Area North America
Country USA
Environment Freshwater
Group Protozoa
In Scope of Nagoya Protocol No
ABS Note Collected pre Nagoya Protocol. No known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
Collection Date c 1967
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Strain Maintenance Sheet SM_Prodiscophryacollini.pdf
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture No
Taxonomy WoRMS ID

CCAP 1618/2

Prodiscophrya collini