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  • Nannochloropsis sp.
References [ 20 ]
Sayegh FAQ, Radi N & Montagnes DJS (2007) Do strain differences in microalgae alter their relative quality as a food for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis? Aquaculture 273: 665-678.
Sayegh FAQ & Montagnes DJS (2011) Temperatures shifts induce intraspecific variation in microalgal production and biochemical composition. Bioresource Technology 102: 3007-3013.
Andersen RA, Brett RW, Potter D & Sexton JP (1998) Phylogeny of the Eustigmatophyceae based upon 18S rDNA, with emphasis on Nannochloropsis. Protist 149: 61-74.
Natrah FMI, Kenmegne MM, Wiyoto W, Sorgeloos P, Bossier P & Defoirdt T (2011) Effects of micro-algae commonly used in aquaculture on acyl-homoserine lactone quorum sensing. Aquaculture 317: 53-57.
Wood BJB, Grimson PHK, German JB & Turner M (1999) Photoheterotrophy in the production of phytoplankton organisms. Journal of Biotechnology 70: 175-183.
Mayers JJ, Flynn KJ & Shields RJ (2013) Rapid determination of bulk microalgal biochemical composition by Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy. Bioresource Technology 148: 215-220.
Mayers JJ, Flynn KJ & Shields RJ (2014) Influence of the N:P supply ratio on biomass productivity and time-resolved changes in elemental and bulk biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology 169: 588-595.
Bosma R, de Vree JH, Slegers PM, Janssen M, Wijffels RH & Barbosa MJ (2014) Design and construction of the microalgal pilot facility AlgaePARC. Algal Research 6B: 160-169.
Slocombe SP, Zhang QY, Ross M, Anderson A, Thomas NJ, Lapresa A, Rad Menéndez C, Campbell CN, Black KD, Stanley MS & Day JG (2015) Unlocking nature's treasure-chest: Screening for oleaginous algae. Scientific Reports 5: 09844.
Hulatt CJ, Wijffels RH, Bolla S & Kiron V (2017) Production of fatty acids and protein by Nannochloropsis in flat-plate photobioreactors. PLoS ONE 12: e0170440.
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Fret J, Roef L, Blust R, Diels L, Tavernier S, Vyverman W & Michiels M (2017) Reuse of rejuvenated media during laboratory and pilot scale cultivation of Nannochloropsis sp. Algal Research 27: 265-273.
Mayers JJ, Ekman Nilsson A, Albers E & Flynn KJ (2017) Nutrients from anaerobic digestion effluents for cultivation of the microalga Nannochloropsis sp. - Impact on growth, biochemical composition and the potential for cost and environmental impact savings. Algal Research 26: 275-286.
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Norsker NH, Michiels M, Slegers PM, Swinkels GLAM, Barbosa MJ & Wijffels RH (2019) Productivity of Nannochloropsis oceanica in an industrial closely spaced flat panel photobioreactor Algal Research 43: 101632.
Giraldo JB, Stock W, Dow L, Roef L, Willems A, Mangelinckx S, Kroth PG, Vyverman W & Michiels M (2019) Influence of the algal microbiome on biofouling during industrial cultivation of Nannochloropsis sp. in closed photobioreactors Algal Research 42: 101591.
Darienko T, Rad Menéndez C, Campbell C & Pröschold T (2019) Are there any true marine Chlorella species? Molecular phylogenetic assessment and ecology of marine Chlorella-like organisms, including a description of Droopiella gen. nov. Systematics and Biodiversity 17: 811-829.
de Vree JH, Bosma R, Janssen M, Barbosa MJ & Wijffels RH (2015) Comparison of four outdoor pilot-scale photobioreactors. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8: 215.
Sivakumar R & Ghosh S (2025) Comprehensive analysis of critical nutrient factors influencing the tropism of Nannochloropsis sp. for eicosapentaenoic acid-rich lipid production Food and Bioproducts Processing 149: 305-314.
Sequences [ 1 ]
EMBL/Genbank Links
(Bold text = submission by CCAP staff or collaborators)
Division/Phylum: Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta Class: Eustigmatophyceae Order: Eustigmatales

Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. On this basis users are responsible for confirming the identity of the strain(s) they receive from us on arrival before starting experiments.
For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. (2019) for protists.

Culture media, purity and growth conditions:
Medium: f/2; Minimal or unobserved bacteria under normal growth conditions; maintained by serial subculture; or SNA
Notes the so called 'Japanese Chlorella'
Axenicity Status Minimal or unobserved bacteria under normal growth conditions
Environment Marine
Pathogen Not pathogenic: Hazard Class 1
Special Uses used in aquaculture
Strain Maintenance Sheet SM_MarineAquaculture.pdf
Toxin Producer Not Toxic / No Data
Type Culture No
Taxonomy WoRMS ID 345489
Formerly Listed in CCAP asChlorella sp.

CCAP 211/78

Nannochloropsis sp.

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