CCAP - ARIES - New Paper
CCAP are delighted to share a new paper by Ellie Wood (SAMS PhD student). “From green to orange: The change in biochemical composition of phototrophic-mixotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis in pilot-scale photobioreactors” investigated the best practices for cultivation and scale-up of a potentially commercially valuable microalga, this is with a view for further implementation into a biorefinery pipeline.
This is the first paper to be published that has had dedicated use of the CCAP-ARIES cultivation and analytical facilities. Earlier this week, Mikey Ross celebrated 2 years as the head of CCAP, what better way to mark the occasion than with this new publication?!?
E.E. Wood, M.E. Ross, S. Jubeau, V. Montalescot, K. MacKechnie, R.E. Marchington, M.P. Davey, S. McNeill, C. Hamilton, M.S. Stanley, From green to orange: The change in biochemical composition of phototrophic-mixotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis in pilot-scale photobioreactors, Algal Research. 75 (2023) 103238.
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103238
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103238