List of media used to maintain strains at CCAP, and other growth media
The list of media recipes below are for media used currently by CCAP, and other media that can be used for algae and protozoa, listed alphabetically by acronym.
Media recipes prefixed with “QA” are checked annually at least as part of our ISO9001:2015 accreditation. Other recipes are listed for information, we can’t guarantee their accuracy.
Combinations of basic media are given in the form JM:SE with the major component given first, and are included alphabetically in the recipe list. Biphasic media are given in the form PJ/NN with the liquid component given first (but note that f/2, f/2+Si and SNA/5 are not biphasic media). The recipes below are in pdf format. See also our Culture Media Factsheet
- QA ABM (Acidified Bold-Basal Medium with Vitamins; modified)
- AJS (Acidified JM:SE)
- ASN-III Medium for marine cyanobacteria, without soil extract (link to ATCC recipe)
- ANT (Antia's Medium)
- QA ASW (Artificial Seawater)
- QA ASW + barley (Artificial Seawater + barley grains)
- QA ASW 150 + barley (Artificial Seawater (salinity 150 psu) + barley grains)
- ASW 225 + barley (Artificial Seawater (salinity 225 psu) + barley grains)
- QA ASW 300 + barley (Artificial Seawater (salinity 300 psu) + barley grains)
- QA 2ASW (double strength Artificial Seawater)
- QA ASW : BG (for marine cyanobacteria, 1:1 mixture. This medium is made up in 2 parts which are autoclaved separately and mixed aseptically when cool. Note: vitamins are not required in the ASW part of this recipe.)
- QA ASWP (Artificial Seawater for Protozoa)
- BB (Bold's Basal Medium)
- QA 3N-BBM+V (Bold-Basal Medium with 3-fold Nitrogen and Vitamins; modified) Including 0.3N-BBM+V
- BB:MErds
- QA BG11 (Blue-Green Medium) Including BG110 for nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria
- BW/MASM - see MASM
- C Medium, Modified
- QA CGM (Chytrid Growth Medium)
- QA CH (Chalkley's Medium)
- QA CHM (Chilomonas Medium)
- QA CMA (Corn Meal Glucose Agar)
- QA DM (Diatom Medium)
- QA EG (Euglena Gracilis Medium)
- E26 + Biotin
- E26 + Biotin:ANT
- E27 (E27 Medium)
- E31 (E31 Medium)
- E31:ANT
- EA
- QA f/2 (f/2 Medium), plus f/2 Quad (for longer lasting cultures) and f/10 (for calcifying Emiliania)
- QA f/2 + Si (f/2 Medium + sodium metasilicate)
- f/2 + Si for heterotrophic growth, plus f/2+Si Modified (can give better growth/maintenance of Coscinodiscus)
- HSM (Jones's Horse Serum Medium)
- QA JM (Jaworski's Medium)
- QA K Medium
- QA K Minimum
- QA K35
- QA L1 (L1 Medium)
- QA LB (Luria-Bertani Medium)
- QA MASM (Modified Artificial Seawater Medium)
- MC (Modified Chang's Serum-Casein-Glucose-Yeast Extract Medium)
- MC II (Modified Chang's Medium (MC))
- MCH (Modified Chalkley's Medium)
- MDY-V (Modified DY-V Medium)
- QA MErds (Modified Føyns Erdschreiber Medium)
- MErds/MY75S
- QA Met-44 for diatoms (the higher metasilicate in this medium has been observed to help some Coscinodiscus to grow better and slow down size reduction)
- QA MP (Modified Provasoli) Medium
- QA Chapman-Andresen's Modified Pringsheim's Solution
- QA MW (Mineral Water)
- QA MWC (Modified Woods Hole Medium)
- QA MY75S (Malt & Yeast Extract-75% Seawater Agar)
- N75S (Sigma Cereal Leaf-75% Seawater)
- N75S:NSW
- QA NCL (New Cereal Leaf-Prescott Liquid)
- QA NCL75S (New Cereal Leaf-75% Seawater)
- NCL/0.01%NPA
- NCL:PJ/0.01%NPA
- QA NN (Non-Nutrient (Amoeba Saline) Agar)
- NPA (New Cereal Leaf-Prescott Agar) - 0.1% / 0.01%
- QA NSS Low
- NSW (Natural Seawater)
- QA PC (Prescott's and Carrier's Solution)
- PE (Plymouth Erdschreiber Medium)
- PER (Peranema Medium)
- QA PJ (Prescott's & James's Solution)
- QA PM (Polytoma Medium)
- QA PP (Proteose Peptone Medium)
- QA PPG (Proteose Peptone Glucose Medium)
- QA PPY (Proteose Peptone Yeast Extract Medium)
- RPL (Rye Grass-Prescott Liquid)
- RPL/0.01%RPA
- RPL:PJ/0.01%RPA
- R75S (Rye Grass-75% Seawater)
- R75S:NSW
- SBBM (97% 3N-BBM+V and 3% SE2)
- QA SE1 (Soil Extract 1 - Marine cultures)
- QA SE2 (Soil Extract 2 - Freshwater cultures)
- QA SES (Soil Extract with Added Salts)
- SNA (Seawater Nutrient Agar)
- 2SNA (Saline Seawater Nutrient Agar)
- SNA/5 (Brackish Seawater Nutrient Agar)
- SP (Spirulina Medium)
- QA S/W (Soil/Water Biphasic Medium)
- S/W + AMP (Soil/Water Biphasic Medium + ammonium magnesium phosphate)
- S/W + Ca (Soil/Water Biphasic Medium + calcium carbonate)
- S77 + vitamins (S77 Medium + vitamins)
- S88 + vitamins (S88 Medium + vitamins)
- QA TAP Medium
- QA UCM (Ulva Culture Medium)
- QA UM (Uronema Medium)
- Walne's (Walne's Medium)
- QA Waris-H
- QA wMY (Weak Malt-Yeast Extract Medium)
- YEL (Yeast Extract-Liver Digest Medium)
- QA YPD Agar
- QA ZM/10 (Zobell Marine Agar 10 Medium)